1. ALL financial members of any Cavy Club or governing body are eligible to enter the Nationwide Cavy Show.
  2. Anyone (does not have to belong to a club) is eligible to enter the Pet Section if one is included, but not with an exhibit already entered in the Breed Section.
  3. NO LATE ENTRIES, ALTERATIONS, or SUBSTITUTIONS  will be accepted. No money will be refunded for withdrawals.
  4. ALL Longhaired and Merino exhibits are to be shown on either a platform or board, suited to both the size of the cavy and the length of the coat. One board per Cavy. Wrappers may be replaced after judging, at owner's discretion.
  5. N.Z. Plumes MAY also be shown on a show board.
  6. Longhairs and other breeds to be groomed only on instruction from the Show Manager or Chief Steward.
  7. Longhaired and Merino exhibitors are able to steward either their own or other Longhaired exhibits. Exhibitors may not comment on, or tamper with exhibits once presented to the Judge.
  8. Once penned no exhibits to be fed
  9. No exhibits to be handled other than by Show Officials.
  10. Preparation on orders of the Show Manager excepted
  11. No exhibit to be removed from the show pens until debenching or on instructions from the Show Manager.
  12. In the event of an emergency, permission to debench must be sought from the Show Manager.
  13. Exhibits may be penned on disposable nappies, paper towels or towels.
  14. Cavies are to be entered according to their exact date of birth. The day a cavy reaches 5 months of age, it must be exhibited in either the 5/9 mths or Adult classes. Similarly, the day the cavy reaches 9 mths of age it must be exhibited in the Adult classes.
  15. All cavies entered in the Nationwide Cavy Show must weigh at least 400g, and are fit and healthy.
  16. At a Nationwide Show ALL U/5 CAVIES ENTERED will be weighed on the day, by the Show Manager, PRIOR to benching.
  17. ALL cavies must be clean and lice free.
  18. PROBATIONARY judging will NOT take place at the Nationwide Cavy Show.
  19. Stewards are to carry only ONE pig at a time, and care must be taken at all times        .
  20. IN SHOW awards will be decided by the panel of Judges if more than one judge has been appointed.
  21. The order of judging to be as follows: Breed; Group: Group Duplicates; In Show; In Show Duplicates.
  22. Only Best of Groups with a group point will be eligible for Best In Show award. The reserve of group to Best In Show winner may be considered for Reserve in Show as well.
  23. Cavies purchased from any judge may not be shown under that judge until 3 months have passed from the time of purchase. 
  24. If an exhibitor feels that he/she has strong grounds for an appeal, then said appeal must be lodged in writing with the Show Manager, no later than one hour after the conclusion of judging.        
  25. Such appeals to be accompanied by $10 fee.
  26. Stewards, Book Stewards and Exhibitors, should make NO SIGNS or any COMMENTS while cavies are being judged.
  27. The Host Club wishes to state that every care will be taken, but they will not be held responsible for any injuries or loss occurring before, after or during the Show.
  28. ALL MONEYS should be made out to the Host Club. All entry forms to be printed clearly, and both portions to be returned to the Show Secretary. If entries exceed the number provided for on the form, use a second form.
  29. All cavies entered in the Nationwide Cavy Show must be the bona fide property of the Exhibitor.
  30. An artificial light must be provided for the judging of all Satins
  31. The show will be judged using New Zealand Cavy Judges Association standards